One of Germany’s Top Innovators
Sensor System and Areas of Application
More about B-Neo
The basis of B-Neo are the components B-Neo Sensor, B-Neo Link, and B-Neo Control.
The B-Neo Sensor, specifically developed for the simultaneous measurement of multiple parameters, can be integrated directly in flexible materials, as seat surfaces, shoe soles, or textiles, allowing a cost-efficient production process. The B-Neo Link will transmit the measured data in real-time to the B-Neo Control.
The B-Neo Control, being a smart processing system, uses artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL) for the analysis and preparation of data for the user. Depending on the application field, its goal, and the preference of the user, B-Neo Control transfers the preselected data, intelligently edited, to the central control, or via app to a device as smartphone, smart watch, or a larger screen.
The continuous loop between measurement, analysis, and reaction ensures a constant and effective flow of the respective function in all application fields.
Automotive Applications:
B-Neo as enabler of autonomous driving
The development of B-Neo was triggered by the demand of the automotive industry. Especially the vehicle interior will need a multitude of new sensors, for instance integrated in the car seat, to ensure secure passenger recognition, and the reliable monitoring of the occupants while driving. Beyond that, smart sensors play a pivotal role for the implementation of the next stages of autonomous driving, the so-called levels 3 to 5, being highly automated forms of driving that allow the driver to avert his attention temporarily or completely from traffic.
Passengers of a new generation of automobiles will sit different than today, for instance facing each other, while the car drives autonomously. The self-driving car will require feedback how the driver moves on the seat while driving – one more reason why intelligent sensor systems will play a key role for the break-through of autonomous driving. B-Neo is a pioneer in this area.
Optimization of passive safety through B-Neo
B-Neo can be integrated in car seats seamlessly and cost-efficient. Besides the occupant recognition and identification, further applications are possible, e.g. the release of individualized comfort functions, the optimization of the airbag deployment, and also the monitoring of the drivers wellbeing in terms of stress and fatigue.
The utilization of B-Neo in the car seat shows how the integrated system receives the body impression of the occupant. With the recognition and monitoring of the driver and passenger, the comfort and safety functions will be adjusted to the respective driving situation. For instance, the driving dynamics can be actively controlled with support of the sensors, to adjust the calculated drive line in highly automated mode to the utmost driving comfort for the passengers.

New kind of Interactive Gaming Flow:
In the growth area of gaming and virtual reality intelligent sensors will be required for the new generation of gaming wear. B-Neo can be integrated modularly into gaming suits, shoes, and gloves, to empower precise tracking of movements and impact strength during the game. Real-time biometric tracking can identify potential stressors. Thus, B-Neo as virtual skin enables a new kind of gaming flow with unique and authentic interaction, visualized through VR or AR glasses. After the game, the player may opt for a targeted analysis and can improve his technique continuously, based on the data provided by the B-Neo App.

B-Neo as Fitness Coach
A new generation of sensors will also be needed in numerous consumer products of different industries: running and training shoes for instance, where the B-Neo sensors can be integrated in the sole, to send feedback to the athlete on his running technique and movements, and thus may even reduce the risk of injuries. Besides the precise tracking of steps, distance, and speed, B-Neo measures also the training intensity and effectiveness, and provides recommendations for continuous optimization through the B-Neo App.
B-Neo can be integrated in smart textiles like body fitting yoga and athletic wear, to enable the monitoring of movements through the measurement of pressure, muscle contractions, and further parameters. The data will be analyzed immediately, supported by artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms, and provided to the user. Thus, the user can retrieve analyses and tips on his smartwatch or screen in real time, to evaluate and optimize his activities.
Smart Living Applications
Further potential fields of application are baby diapers, to check the humidity level and monitor the well-being of the child, and mattresses, with the aim to measure and optimize the sleep quality: the sensor system integrated in the mattress will provide a sleep analysis to the user in the morning.
Additional perspective will open with the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) when objects communicate with each other. Through the unique combination of the B-Neo technology and artificial intelligence (AI), numerous possibilities and applications will open in this area of dynamic growth, making our daily life smarter and richer.

Applications in Medicine and Health Care:
In Medicine and care, various specific applications can be imagined, as in compression stockings, or in post-surgery treatments, for instance by integration of the B-Neo system in bandages, orthoses, and exoskeletons. B-Neo integrated in mattresses in hospitals and care facilities can send essential information as vital parameters or moisture condition of the patient to the nursing staff, allowing specific action towards the well-being of the patient.